xmas cards

Christmas is coming up in a week and a half and I have yet to send out Christmas cards … oops! Well I finally got around to making the cards, so that’s progress, right? Now I just need to write out all the cards, make sure the addresses I have are still current, buy stamps, et cetera.

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It took me a few trips to Michael’s to figure out what I wanted to do, but I found these letter stamps and they seemed pretty nifty, so I grabbed those (along with a black inkpad) and that was pretty much it. The rest of what I used I had on hand.

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I ended up with three versions of Christmas cards for this year. I’ve never been fond of giving everyone the same exact card, so I try to make different variations. After stamping each card with “Happy Holidays”, I drew a tree, ornament, or present with a black marker. Then I hot glued a little something for color and dimension. The tree got a blue gem as a star, the ornament a red ribbon, and the present a green bow. Cute, eh?

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My roommate left today, so I wrapped up the first part of her present and gave it to her. I used the rough draft of my essay (with red marks and all) and tied it with a bow. I go through so much paper in school so I try to recycle the best I can. Anyway, she thought it was hilarious because she recognized it as the essay I had been complaining about. As for other Christmas presents, well they’re proving a bit trickier. I went to the mall the other day and after almost two hours, didn’t buy a single thing. To be honest, I was shopping more for myself, but I kept having trouble finding the right size for things … very disappointing.

Most of my friends have already left for home, but I’m going to be hanging around here for a bit longer to work and do some shopping. Christmas is coming up way too fast.

[NOTE: This post originally appeared on a now-deleted blog and is reposted here for my own sake.]

apt xmas

An apartment next to a college campus is not an ideal place for Christmas. Thankfully I will be spending Christmas at home with my family, but I’ll only be able to spend a few days at home. The rest of the time will be at my fabulously over-priced, run-down apartment. Therefore, while procrastinating one fine evening, I decided to decorate. Here, ladies and gentlemen, is how a college student decorates her apartment for Christmas (on a very limited budget).

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1. White Lights

I dug up some white Christmas lights that I bought two years ago for studio. I actually bought them because when you can’t find an extension cord, Christmas lights will work just as well. I had originally strung them around my desk to keep people from walking by my work area where I had models on the floor. Last year I was in the middle of a large studio space, so the Christmas lights were strung from the wall to my desk in the middle of the room, and the guy sitting next to me had Christmas lights strung from the other wall to his desk. All in all it was fabulous. Here in our lowly apartment, however, I just grabbed some drafting tape and taped these much loved white lights around our front doorway. The texture of the wall is kind of weird though.

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2. Silver and Red Bow

I’ve always been a big fan of bows. Snowflakes are pretty. Christmas trees and stockings are too obvious. Bows are universal. And I happen to really like ribbon. So I grabbed some thick silver wired ribbon and created a big bow on our cheap Wal-Mart shelving unit. I thought it looked a bit drab so I grabbed some red satin ribbon and incorporated another bow into the mix. I think it’s rather nice … really classes up that cheap white plastic, eh?

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3. Santa Hat

I’ve had this Santa hat for years … can’t even remember where/when I got it. Anyway, though I like the color green, I’ve never been a big fan of the red-green color combination because I just find it too cliché. It screams “Christmas!” in that overly commercial way. Therefore, our apartment’s just going to stick with red and white/silver, which the Santa hat fits into perfectly. How is the hat standing so erect on our counter? Because it’s hiding our very college-student bottle of tequila next to an empty bottle of wine. Yeah … don’t judge me. Oh, and the wallpaper was there when we moved in.

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love giving gifts, wrapping gifts, decorating gifts, hanging out with friends, having that hot mocha latté at Spider House while exchanging gifts … you get the idea. Though decorating was rather light this year, I think in conjunction with the nippy weather and the scarves around my neck, it’s winter enough. Happy holidays.

[NOTE: This post originally appeared on a now-deleted blog and is reposted here for my own sake.]