fall is nyc’s best season

There is a decided chill in the air and voila … summer is definitely over. Yay! Fall is a breath of fresh air—literally and figuratively. Summer in the city certainly has its benefits, but after a while … all that humidity and hot trash smell and ugh … it just starts to get to you. So now that I can finally turn off my very noisy air conditioner, and either rely on the breeze through my window or *gasp* not even open the window without boiling to death, it’s a welcome moment. Very welcome.

Yay to spending significant periods of time outdoors! Outdoor brunch! Outdoor stroll! Exploring Central Park without wanting to stab myself in the eye (or escape extremely quickly)! But alas, fall in New York City is pretty short-lived and it’s already starting to turn just a tad too cold. My plants outside are no longer doing so well and the beans will probably need to get pulled in the next few weeks if this weather keeps up. Hopefully I can at least get a few radishes and greens before frost. And I’ll be sure to enjoy the nice fall weather while I can!